Tips For Boating With Children from Spicer's Boat CityWhen you take the boat out for a day of fun in the sun, you want the whole family to be able to enjoy the experience. Children tend to love boating because there’s so much to do on the water and they can be easily entertained for hours. Boating is a great way to spend summer vacation with family and friends.

Spicer’s Boat City has put together some tips to ensure you have an enjoyable time on the boat with your children. Whether you need to stock up on some new gear or a touch of routine maintenance before your next boat trip, visit our dealership today! We proudly serve Bay City, Flint, Detroit, and all of Michigan.

Establish Rules

Safety is of the utmost importance when boating, even more so when young children are aboard. Most adults at least know basic common sense when out on the water but kids might not have the first clue about what they should and shouldn’t do. Make a point to enforce the following safety rules before taking children out on the boat:

  • All parties on the boat must put on a life jacket before boarding and it must remain on for the duration of the ride
  • Adults should also wear life jackets so they can set a good example for the kids
  • Remind children to keep arms, hands, legs, and feet inside the boat at all times
  • No one should lean over the side of the boat for any reason, even if the water is clear
  • There should be no running on the boat to avoid slip and fall incidents

Remember to pack your patience because as most of us know, it can take some time to teach children rules. A good way to help kids understand the rules is to also explain the reason for them and what might happen if they don’t follow them. Before you embark on your initial boat ride with children, review the rules with them. All of the excitement could cause forgetfulness so they may require some reminders. It’s also helpful to reward positive behavior. You don’t want to be the party pooper who has to yell at children and suck all of the fun out of the trip. Taking the time to review the rules will go a long way.

Bring Supplies

It might go without saying that the most important thing you need to bring is a life jacket. There are three features to look out for: head floatation, a crotch strap, and self-righting capability. The head floatation helps keep the head above water. A crotch strap prevents individuals from falling out of the jacket. The self-righting capability keeps swimmers in the right direction. You’ll want to test the jacket somewhere first like the shallow end of a pool or other public swimming area.

Another critical supply item is a first aid kit. A standard first aid kit that has the essentials will work just fine. A pair of tweezers might be useful if you run into any dock splinters and of course, waterproof band-aids. Some other supplies that will make the trip more comfortable include a cooler with snacks, Dramamine for motion sickness, sunscreen and sunglasses, bug repellent, towels, blankets, a change of clothes, and a way to play music.

Keep it Fun

While adults don’t need much in the way of entertaining on a boat, kids might not be as low-maintenance. Short rides to your destination can lead to temper tantrums, whining, or fighting. There are some steps you can take to avoid these situations. For starts, you’ll want to bring along some games and toys that will keep the kids busy. You can also play games like I Spy or the Alphabet Game to keep them engaged and occupied. If your kids enjoy music, you might let them choose the playlists for the ride. When you really need to keep your kids busy, give them tasks and responsibilities on the boat that make them feel important. For example, you can have them sit up front with the captain to assist with navigating the boat, hold the flag up for tubers, and so on.

You and the kids are ready to hit the water. Make sure to stop by Spicer’s Boat city for all your boating needs! We proudly serve Bay City, Flint, Detroit, and all of Michigan.